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合肥工业大学噪声振动工程研究所 所长。

中国振动工程学会 理事。

中国振动工程学会振动与噪声控制分会 委员。

安徽省振动工程学会 秘书长。

中国青年联合会 委员。








2000.9-2004.9 合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院硕博

1996.9-2000.7 合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院本科


2016.4至今 华体会平台研究员

2011.1至今 合肥工业大学“黄山学者”特聘教授

2012.4-2012.5 法国勒芒大学访问教授

2010.9-2011.9 美国Purdue大学 访问学者

2005.12-2016.4 合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院研究员

2004.12 合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院副教授

2004.9 合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院讲师



1. 现代噪声源识别方法:近场声全息,波束形成等

2. 结构声辐射计算方法与理论

3. 车辆NVH分析与控制

4. 轮胎噪声机理及控制

5. 噪声测试、分析仪器与装备


振动及噪声控制 (本科)

机械噪声控制技术 (本科)

工程声学基础 (研究生)

机械故障分析与诊断 (研究生)



(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11674082、均匀流中静止及旋转声源实时识别与声场分离方法研究、2017/01-2020/12、69万元(直接费用)、在研、毕传兴。

(2) 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,51322505,噪声测试、分析与控制、2014/01-2016/12、100万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11274087、复杂声场环境下任意外形声源的瞬态近场声全息方法研究、2013/01-2016/12、89万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(4) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(博士生导师类),20100111110007、封闭空间内噪声源识别的双面Patch近场声全息技术研究、2011/01-2013/12、6万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,10974040、非自由声场环境下的声场分离理论与声源识别方法研究、2010/01-2012/12、40万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(6) 教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”项目,NCET-08-0767、噪声与振动控制、2009/01-2011/12、50万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(7) 合肥工业大学科技创新群体计划项目,2009HGCX0231、现代噪声源识别技术与产品低噪声设计方法研究、2009/01-2011/12、125万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(8) 霍英东教育基金会第十一届青年教师基金项目,111058、基于组合全息算法的机器局部噪声源识别技术研究、2008/05-2011/04、1.92万美元、已结题、毕传兴。

(9) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,10504006、基于分布源边界点法的新型近场声全息技术、2006/01-2008/12、26万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(10) 企业委托项目,轮胎噪声喇叭口放大效应的解析、数值和实验研究、2014/11-2017/03、112万元、在研、毕传兴。

(11) 企业委托项目,徐工GR180D平地机噪声源识别、2012/04-2012/12、17万元、已结题、毕传兴。

(12) 企业委托项目,航空发动机声场全息成像装备系统、2010/01-2013/12、200万元、已结题、陈剑,毕传兴。

(13) 企业委托项目,瑞风搭载4DA1降噪、2008/01-2008/12、20万元、已结题、毕传兴。


(1) 毕传兴,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,2013年

(2) 毕传兴,中国振动工程学会青年科技奖,2010年

(3) 毕传兴,安徽省青年科技奖,2009年

(4) 毕传兴,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者,2008年

(5) 毕传兴,霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金获得者,2008年

(6) 毕传兴,全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖,2007年

(7) 毕传兴,安徽省科技进步一等奖(排名第3),2007年

(8) 毕传兴,国家自然科学基金工程与材料科学部优秀项目奖(主要完成人),2006年


(1) 毕传兴,耿林,张小正, 采用声压和质点加速度测量的实时声场分离方法, 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 201310606976.9, 授权公告日: 2015-08-05

(2) 毕传兴,张小正,耿林, 采用单面声压和振速测量的实时声场分离方法, 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL201310170019.6, 授权公告日: 2015-1-14

(3) 毕传兴,张小正,张永斌,徐亮. 一种非稳态声场分离方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 201110402251.9, 授权公告日: 2013-11-6

(4) 毕传兴,张小正,张永斌,徐亮. 一种瞬态声场重建方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 201010592379.1, 授权公告日: 2012-9-26

(5) 毕传兴,张永斌,徐亮,张金圈,陈心昭. 用于波束成形法噪声源识别的多层立体网格阵列. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 200910116482.6, 授权公告日: 2011-11-23

(6) 毕传兴,张永斌,徐亮,陈心昭. 采用双面振速测量和二维空间Fourier变换法分离声场的方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 200910117019.3, 授权公告日: 2011-3-16

(7) 毕传兴,张永斌,徐亮,陈心昭. 采用双面振速测量和等效源法分离声场的方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 200910117020. 6, 授权公告日: 2010-9-1

(8) 毕传兴. 压力速度法声场分离方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 200810194754.X, 授权公告日: 2010-9-1

(9) 张永斌,毕传兴,徐亮,陈心昭. 采用移动等效源法重建移动声源的方法. 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL 200910116613.0, 授权公告日: 2010-9-1

(10) 毕传兴,陈心昭,陈剑. 一种声场分离方法. . 国家发明专利. 授权号: ZL200610097015.X, 授权公告日: 2008-12-10

(11) 徐亮,毕传兴,张永斌,张小正. 采用加权迭代等效源法的高精度近场声全息算法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201510292367.X, 申请日: 2015-5-29

(12) 毕传兴,张小正,张永斌,徐亮. 一种分离静止声源辐射声场与旋转声源辐射声场的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201610578294.5, 申请日: 2016-7-21

(13) 徐亮,胡鹏,孟良,毕传兴,张思津. 一种高分辨率的快速反卷积声源成像算法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201611035100.3 , 申请日: 2016-11-18

(14) 张永斌,高煜,毕传兴,马钢,张洋. 一种轮胎噪声喇叭放大效应的预测方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201710162050.3, 申请日: 2017-03-17


(1) 陈心昭,毕传兴等. 近场声全息技术及其应用. 北京:科学出版社, 2013年6月出版 [30.6万字]


(1) Chuan-Xing Bi, Zhao-Huan Wang, Xiao-Zheng Zhang*, and Yong-Bin Zhang. Analytic Time Domain Formulation for Acoustic Pressure Gradient Prediction in a Moving Medium. AIAA Journal. 2017, DOI: 10.2514/1.J055630 (SCI/EI)

(2) C. J. Zheng, C. Zhang, C. X. Bi, H. F. Gao, L. Du and H. B. Chen. Coupled FE-BE method for eigenvalue analysis of elastic structures submerged in an infinite fluid domain. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2017, 110(2): 163-185 (SCI/EI)

(3) Wang-Lin Lin, Chuan-Xing Bi, Rob Opdam, Yong-Bin Zhang*, Michael Vorlander. Performance of spatial windows in the spatial Fourier transform technique for the angle-dependent reflection factor measurement. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2017, 103 (2): 349- 353 (SCI/EI)

(4) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang, Liang Xu. A time-domain inverse technique for the localization and quantification of rotating sound sources. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017, 90: 15-19 (SCI/EI)

(5) Chuan-Xing Bi, Wen-Qian Jing, Yong-Bin Zhang*, and Wang-Lin Lin. Reconstruction of the sound field above a reflecting plane using the equivalent source method. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2017, 386: 149–162 (SCI/EI)

(6) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yuan Liu, Liang Xu, Yong-Bin Zhang. Sound field reconstruction using compressed modal equivalent point source method. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2017, 141(1): 73-79 (SCI/EI)

(7) Yang Zhang, Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang. An inverse direct time domain boundary element method for the reconstruction of transient acoustic field. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2017, 139(2): 021013 (SCI/EI)

(8) Yong-Bin Zhang, Hua Chen, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Gang Ma, Yu Gao. Experimental Study on Analytical Models for Predicting the Horn Effect of a Tire/road Interface. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2017, 139(2): 021008 (SCI/EI)

(9) Wang-Lin Lin, Chuan-Xing Bi, Michael Vorländer, Yong-Bin Zhang*, Robertus Opdam. In situ measurement of the absorption coefficient based on a time-domain subtraction technique with a particle velocity transducer. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2016, 102 (5) : 945 -954 (SCI/EI)

(10) Wang-Lin Lin, Chuan-Xing Bi, and Yong-Bin Zhang*. Measurement of reflection factor at oblique incidence with pressure-velocity transducers. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 2016, 64(3): 379–387 (SCI/EI)

(11) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Lin Geng, and Xiao-Zheng Zhang. Separation of non-stationary sound fields with single layer pressure-velocity measurements. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.2016, 139 (2): 781–789 (SCI/EI)

(12) Chuan-Xing Bi*, LinGeng, Xiao-Zheng Zhang. Separation of non-stationary multi-source sound field based on the interpolated time-domain equivalent source method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 72-73: 745–761 (SCI/EI)

(13) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Wen-Qian Jing, and Yong-Bin Zhang. Broadband acoustic holography from intensity measurements with a three-dimensional pressure-velocity probe. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.2015, 138 (5): 2929–2936 (SCI/EI)

(14) Wen-Qian Jing, Yong-Bin Zhang*, Chuan-Xing Bi. A nearfield acoustic holography-based method for measuring the sensitivity of a particle velocity sensor. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2015, 101 (4): 855-858 (SCI/EI)

(15) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang, and Liang Xu. Sound source identification and sound radiation modeling in a moving medium using the time-domain equivalent source method. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2015, 137(5): 2678-2686 (SCI/EI)

(16) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Hu Ding-Yu, Zhang Yong-Bin and Jing Wen-Qian. Identification of active sources inside cavities using the equivalent source method-based free-field recovery technique. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 346: 153–164 (SCI/EI)

(17) Lin Geng, Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*. Reconstruction of transient vibration and sound radiation of an impacted plate using time domain plane wave superposition method. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015, 344: 114-125 (SCI/EI)

(18) BI ChuanXing*, JING WenQian, ZHANG YongBin & XU Liang. Patch nearfield acoustic holography combined with sound field separation technique applied to a non-free field. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2015, 58(2): 024301 (SCI/EI)

(19) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang, Lin Geng. Real-time nearfield acoustic holography for reconstructing the instantaneous surface normal velocity. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 52-53, 663–671 (SCI/EI)

(20) Ding-Yu Hu, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang, Lin Geng. Extension of planar nearfield acoustic holography for sound source identification in a noisy environment. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2014, 333(24): 6395–6404 (SCI/EI)

(21) Bi-Chun Dong, Chuan-Xing Bi*,Xiao-Zheng Zhang,Yong-Bin Zhang, Patch nearfield acoustic holography in a moving medium, Applied Acoustics, 2014, 86: 71-79 (SCI/EI)

(22) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Lin Geng, and Xiao-Zheng Zhang. Real-time separation of nonstationary sound fields with pressure and particle acceleration measurements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2014, 135(6):3474-3482(SCI/EI)

(23) Chuan-Xing Bi*,Ding-Yu Hu, Yong-Bin Zhang, Reconstruction of the free-field radiation from a vibrating structure based on measurements in a noisy environment, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 134(4): 2823-2832 (SCI / EI)

(24) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Lin Geng, Xiao-Zheng Zhang. Cubic spline interpolation-based time-domain equivalent source method for modeling transient acoustic radiation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332: 5939-5952 (SCI / EI)

(25) Chuan-Xing Bi*, J. Stuart Bolton. An equivalent source technique for recovering the free sound field in a noisy environment. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131(2): 1260-1270 (SCI/EI)

(26) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Jean-Hugh Thomas, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Jean-Claude Pascal. Reconstruction of nonstationary sound fields based on time domain plane wave superposition method. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2012, 132(4): 2427-2436 (SCI/EI)

(27) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Jean-Hugh Thomas, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Jean-Claude Pascal. Separation of nonstationary sound fields in the time-wavenumber domain. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131(3):2180-2189 (SCI/EI)

(28) He Chundong, Zhang Yongbin, Bi Chuanxing, Chen Xinzhao. The application of regularization technique based on partial optimization in the nearfield acoustic holography. Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2012, 31(1): 47-58

(29) Xiao-Zheng Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi*, Yong-Bin Zhang, Liang Xu. Transient nearfield acoustic holography based on an interpolated time-domain equivalent source method. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2011, 130(3): 1430-1440 (SCI/EI)

(30) Zhang Yongbin, Bi Chuanxing, Xu Liang, Chen Xinzhao. A Novel Method for Selection of Regularization Parameter in the Near-field Acoustic Holography. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering(English Edition), 2011, 24(2): 285-292 (SCI/EI)

(31) Yong-Bin Zhang, Finn Jacobsen, Chuan-Xing Bi, Xin-Zhao Chen. Near field acoustic holography based on the equivalent source method and pressure-velocity transducers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 126(3): 1257-1263 (SCI/EI)

(32) Yong-Bin Zhang, Finn Jacobsen, Chuan-Xing Bi, Xin-Zhao Chen. Patch near field acoustic holography based on particle velocity measurements. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 126(2): 721-727 (SCI)

(33) Yong-Bin Zhang, Xin-Zhao Chen, Finn Jacobsen. A sound field separation technique based on measurements with pressure-velocity probes (L). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 125(6): 3518-3521 (SCI/EI)

(34) Hao Cheng, Jian Chen, Yong-Bin Zhang, Chuan-Xing Bi, Yu Gao. A Multi-domain Boundary Element Formulation for Acoustic Frequency Sensitivity Analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2009, 33(6): 815-821 (SCI/EI)

(35) Chuan-Xing Bi*, Xin-Zhao Chen, and Jian Chen. Sound field separation technique based on equivalent source method and its application in nearfield acoustic holography. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008, 123(3): 1472-1478 (SCI/EI)





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