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l 安徽省学术和技术带头人

l 科技部电动汽车电驱动系统全产业链联盟专家委员会委员



l 齿轮传动技术

l 机器人及应用技术

l 新能源汽车及智能网联汽车

l 智能制造及智能装备






1) 民营企业,委托开发,基于RFID的医用智能恒温柜系统及高值耗材柜辅柜的开发,W2021JSKF1090,2022-02至2023-12,110万

2) 国家科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,JZ2018ZDYF0001,混合动力新型机电耦合总成系统开发与集成,2018-01至 2021-12,50万元

3) 江苏省科技厅,重点研发计划,BE2017101,基于物联网的蜂巢式智能电商物流仓储系统研发,2017-06至 2021-06,620万元

4) 国家科学技术部,国家自然科学基金项目,精度主导的大重合度齿轮动态设计理论与实验,51775156,2018-01至2021-12,63万元

5) 陆军航空装备部,陆军航空装备“十三五”预研专用技术项目,30103090201,直升机电动尾部减速器及控制技术研究,2017-02至 2020-12,150万元

6) 民营企业,委托开发,W2020JSKF0498,医用耗材智能柜系统研发, 2020-08至 2021-02,60万元

7) 民营企业,委托开发,W2019JSKF0077,空气净化器专业定制平台开发, 2019-01至2020-12,17万元


1) Huang K, Cheng Z, Xiong Y*, et al. Bifurcation and chaos analysis of a spur gear pair system with fractal gear backlash[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021, 142: 110387.

2) Huang K, Xian Y, Zhen S*, et al. Robust control design for a planar humanoid robot arm with high strength composite gear and experimental validation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 155: 107442.

3) Huang K, Wang M, Sun H, et al. Robust approximate constraint-following control design for permanent magnet linear motor and experimental validation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2021, 72(1-2): 119-128.

4) Huang K, Wang M, Zhen S. Udwadia-Kalaba equation based adaptive robust control for two-wheeled inverted pendulum system: underactuation and uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2021, 19(7): 2420-2430.

5) Huang K, Xian Y, Li C, et al. Application of Udwadia–Kalaba approach to semi-active suspension control of a heavy-duty truck[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020, 234(1): 245-257.

6) Sang M,Huang K, Xiong Y*, et al. Dynamic modeling and vibration analysis of a cracked 3K-II planetary gear set for fault detection[J]. Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 12(2): 847-861.

7) Huang K, Yi Y, Xiong Y*, et al. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of high contact ratio gears system with multiple clearances[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42(2): 1-16.

8) 黄康,许锋炜,熊杨寿*,等.双联行星轮角度偏差对系统均载特性的影响[J].计算力学学报, 2020, 37(4): 405-411.

9) Huang K, Sang M, Xiong Y*, et al. Load Distribution in meshing process of micro-segment Gears[J]. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 2020, 84(1): 33-46.

10) Huang K, Sang M, Xiong Y*, et al. Bifurcation analysis and chaotic behaviors of a spur microsegment gear pair with time-varying pressure angle[J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14(12): 121008.

11) Yi Y,Huang K*, Xiong Y, et al. Nonlinear dynamic modelling and analysis for a spur gear system with time-varying pressure angle and gear backlash[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 132: 18-34.

12) Huang K, Xu F, Xiong Y*, et al. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of microsegment gear system with time-varying base circle[J]. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 44(2): 279-293.

13) Shao K, Zheng J*,Huang K*, et al. Finite-time control of a linear motor positioner using adaptive recursive terminal sliding mode[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 67(8): 6659-6668.

14) He C*,Huang K, Chen X, et al. Transportation control of cooperative double-wheel inverted pendulum robots adopting Udwadia-control approach[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(4): 2789-2802.

15) 黄康*,徐锐,陈奇.小位移旋量和响应面法相结合的齿轮公差分析模型构建方法[J].西安交通大学学报, 2017, 51(9): 77-84.

16) 黄康,马加奇,夏公川,等.某直升机主减速器行星轮系功质比的区间多目标优化[J].航空动力学报, 2017, 32(10): 2447-2455.

17) Huang K, Xu R*, Chen Q. A tolerance mathematical model based on fractal theory for tolerance analysis of gear[J]. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 38(5): 525-536.

18) Huang K, Xiong Y*, Wang T, et al. Research on the dynamic response of high-contact-ratio spur gears influenced by surface roughness under EHL condition[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 392: 8-18.

19) Huang K, Shao K, Zhen S, et al. A novel approach for trajectory tracking control of an under-actuated quad-rotor UAV[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/JAS.2016.7510238.


1) 黄康,郭俊,朱胤斐,孙浩,李晨鸣,杨磊,刘荣耀;一种直升机电动尾部减速器系统的控制方法, 2021-03-12,中国, ZL201811631255.2.

2) 黄康,张雁欣,孙浩,甄圣超,陈盼盼,李传阳,刘荣耀,郑运军;基于AGV系统的轨迹跟踪控制方法, 2020-11-20,中国, ZL201810240493.4.

3) 黄康,杨磊,朱凌坤,郭俊,徐锐,王强,余涛,蔡志英;一种齿轮齿廓微观形貌测量装置, 2020-06-05,中国, ZL201711295458.4.

4) 黄康,刘泽链,邱明明,王强,张怡然,周哲,刘爱国;可换向减速装置, 2020-04-14,中国, ZL201810517523.1.

5) 黄康,郭俊,赵韩,孙浩,甄圣超,张雁欣;一种双转子轴向盘式永磁电机, 2019-09-10,中国, ZL201711060636.5.

6) 黄康,张怡然,赵韩,陈小龙,何春生,朱胤斐,马加奇;一种柔性末端牵引康复机器人, 2019-06-18,中国, ZL201710478074.X.

7) 黄康,张雁欣,赵韩,孙浩,甄圣超,郭俊,陈盼盼,李传阳;一种盘式轴向磁通电动机, 2019-04-30,中国, ZL201711060629.5.

8) 黄康,朱凌坤,桑萌,王冕昊,张磊,马加奇,汪涛;一种机械手, 2019-04-23,中国, ZL201610989958.7.

9) 黄康,周长斌,甄圣超,陈祥林,杨羊;一种自动化立体仓库控制系统与方法, 2018-02-06,中国, ZL201610583872.4.

10) 黄康,朱凌坤,桑萌,王冕昊,张磊,张祖芳,高峰,段松林;一种齿轮的线切割夹具, 2018-07-03,中国, ZL201611260242.X.

11) 黄康,杨羊,马加奇,周长斌,潘毅,汪涛,高峰,段松林;弹性无回差3Z行星减速器, 2018-05-01,中国, ZL201610711656.3.

12) 黄康,汪涛,马加奇,潘毅,杨羊,高峰;一种行星齿轮装配机械手, 2018-02-06,中国, ZL201610547127.4.

13) 黄康,朱晓慧,陈祥,夏公川,周志红,黄青青;用于齿轮传动系统性能测试的装置, 2017-03-29,中国, ZL201510050013.4.

14) 黄康,段松林,高峰,宋飞,杨沁,洪建;一种机器人关节减速器试验台, 2017-01-25,中国, ZL201510374482.1.

15) 黄康,朱晓慧,陈祥,夏公川,吴占雨,黄青青;一种用于齿轴系统的快速拆装装置, 2017-01-18,中国, ZL201510025423.3.

16) 黄康,巩淼,周志红;一种轻型无人直升机传动系统装置, 2016-09-07,中国, ZL201510414340.3.

17) 黄康,周志红,赵韩,刘鹏,巩淼;一种用于直升机主减速器螺旋锥齿行星轮系, 2015-11-18,中国, ZL201410045640.4.


1) 黄康(7/10);新能源汽车及其核心部件能量与安全管控关键技术及产业化,安徽省人民政府,科技进步,省部一等奖, 2019(赵韩;吴定国;孙纯哲;李韧;臧超;邱明明;黄康;尹安东;王军;宫璐 )

2) 黄康(3/10);汽车自动变速器关键共性技术及产业化应用,中国汽车工程学会,汽车工业学会二等奖,其他, 2017(赵韩;尹良杰;黄康;邱明明;叶远龙;江昊;郑海兵;方志勤;段继强;吴其林 )

3) 黄康(3/10);机械产品多层次自动引导式协同设计仿真系统及应用,安徽省人民政府,科技进步,省部一等奖, 2012(赵韩;王璐;黄康;王梅;董迎晖;陈科;曹文钢;王志海;胡劲松;王勇 )




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